GamerArmy Faction
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Applying Empty Applying

Post  Reko Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:53 pm

WingReko 63

Sin, Im lvling about 2 lvls a day, and at lvl 70 Ill polly lvl 7times in one day. ^^

What are type of faction are you looking for and do you think GamerArmy is a good fit?
A place where I can meet new people, make friends, and enjoy the simple things in this game.

Please let us know what time zone you live (if you're not sure, just European, Asian/Australian or US will do)
US Est Time

Will you be able to use Ventrilo for voice chat?
Yes I have Vent.

Do you think you can live with 'common sense' as a main faction rule? (no offending, no drama etc.)
Yes, I never had problems before in a faction.

Who/How did we (GamerArmy) get your attention ; do you know some faction members?
I seen in around PWI and you guys did WBs I seen. ^^

What other well-known factions on the Sanctuary server have you been in?
None that are well known, mostly small.

Tell us a bit about yourself!
Im a friendly player and helpful if needed. I just wanted to have fun and a meet friends ^^

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Applying Empty Re: Applying

Post  Tabitat Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:40 am

noted and searching for ^,^

Location : UK
Age : 32
Join date : 2010-03-25

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